The Eternals are a fictional race of humanoids appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. They are described as an offshoot of the evolutionary process that created sentient life on Earth.
The original instigators of this process, the alien Celestials, intended them to be the defenders of Earth, which leads to the inevitability of war against their destructive counterparts, the Deviants.
The Eternals were created by Jack Kirby, and made their first appearance in The Eternals #1 (July 1976).
When the Celestials visited Earth one million years ago and performed genetic experiments on early proto-humanity, they created two divergent races: the long-lived Eternals, and the genetically unstable and monstrously grotesque Deviants.
These experiments also led to the capacity for super-powered mutations in humans. They also performed this experiment on other planets (such as the Kree and Skrull homeworlds) with similar results.
Despite looking human, Eternals are much longer-lived (but were not originally fully immortal) and that kept them from having much contact with their human cousins. They have a low birth rate; they can interbreed with humans but the result is always a normal human (although Joey Athena, son of Thena and a normal human seems to have become an Eternal with long lived properties and powers).
Despite this, they have in general protected the human race, especially from the Deviants, with whom they’ve always had an enmity. The Eternals also developed advanced technology.
15 Eternal Facts
For Fanboys and Fangirls who want to know all they can about these cosmic superheroes. We’ve put together a list of 15 things fans probably don’t know about Marvel’s The Eternals.
References: Wikipedia, Q Top Tens, Screenrant
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